Your marketing should be everyday, then you stand out
Wait, this sounds like a contradiction. How can you make your company stand out by being ordinary?? Believe us: it can be done. In this article we tell you exactly how. It is mainly a matter of creativity in marketing and the long term.
That will go a long way.
The way to eye-catching promotion
It also depends on how you interpret the term ‘everyday’. If you mean ‘inconspicuous’, then you are right and that is not the way to go. Because you want to get the attention of your target audience.
But it can be done extremely well if you find ways to do so that fit into the everyday rhythm of your target group. That’s the way to eye-catching promotion.
Find the personal space
Have you ever wondered why so many pens with logos are given away? This is not only because they are so cheap, but also because they work extremely well. Just like notebooks, desk calendars and other products you have at your fingertips every day. They sit in your personal space!
This is where you want to be as a company.
Personalized socks as marketing
Printing socks with your logo is a great idea. It doesn’t get much more personal than socks. Every day when dressing and undressing, your target group will see your company passing by.
Even if there is no immediate need for that person to contact you, you are always in their sights.
Some more examples for inspiration
Are you curious which other business gifts you can have made to give away to your relations?? Get advice from a seasoned expert at Maxilia! They can tell you exactly how other clients have used gifts to get the attention of their customers and potential customers.
You can undoubtedly learn from these experiences with your company.
Some examples:
- Water bottles with logo, as they are increasingly used by a large target group, both at work and while exercising;
- Engraved pens, because they are just a bit more luxurious than the standard printed ones and therefore last longer;
- Hats with logo, because they make sure that every wearer advertises you in autumn or winter.
Unleash your creativity
You see: there is more than enough to invent in the field of marketing. Unleash your creativity and choose a utility item that suits your business and your target audience!